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SL1007G Synchronous Rectifying Circuit AC/DC Converters TO-220 SL1007G Synchronous Rectifying Circuit AC/DC Converters TO-220 SL1007G Synchronous Rectifying Circuit AC/DC Converters TO-220
SL1007G Synchronous Rectifying Circuit AC/DC Converters TO-220

Product Details

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Chinese manufacturing processes have undergone years of iteration, resulting in mature and reliable technologies. Many international corporations opt for production outsourcing in China. As an electronic components manufacturer in China, our products can fully replace those of major international brands in 99% of applications without the need for testing verification. Our products boast high consistency in quality, reasonable pricing, ample inventory, flexible supply, short lead times, and professional after-sales service.    


●  SL1007G is a high-performance switching power supply secondary side synchronous rectifying circuit, integrated with control chip, energy storage capacitor and the power MOSFET with low RDSON With the self-powered technology, it can tum on/turn off MOS through current detection. Can be automatically switched to the Schottky diode for use in the switching power supply system, it is a sccondary rectifying circuit solution with simple application and excellent performance.

●  SL1007G can be applied to the switching power supply system with 5V~12V output that can meet the CoC Tier 2 level-sixenergy efficiency, with the maximum working frequency of 150kHz; in addition, the QR/DCM mode is supported. The extremely low conduction loss of power MOSFET is utilized to reduce the conduction power loss of the Schottky diode, to increase the switching power supply conversion efficiency and reduce the temperature rise of the rectifier, so as to meet the application of the high-efficiency switching power supply.

●  The chip is equipped with a high-voltage self-powered unit circuit, coordinated with the highly-concentrated chip scheme, the peripheral circuit ofthe chip is extremely simple, in no need of any extemal device, which can be directly used in the system instead of the Schottky diode.


●  Take the place of the Schottky diode directly,in no need of any extemal device

●  Self-powered,in no need ofexternal power supply

●  Quiescent working current as low as350μA

●  The highest working frequency as high as 150kHz

●  QRM/DCM mode is supported

●  High Side/Low Side rectification is supported

●  Integrated MOSFET RDSON as low as 8m

●  3%5%improved when compared with the rectification efficiency of Schottky diode


●  QC 5V~12V quick charger

●  UsB-PD adapter

●  Other flyback switching power supply


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