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From 0 to 300,000 customers trust, Huaqiu Electronics insists on doing long -term and correct things

release time:2022-03-17Author source:SlkorBrowse:2357

Recently, Joy Capital member companiesHuaqiu Electronics ushered in the tenth anniversary. Huaqiu Electronics focuses on "increasing efficiency and reducing costs for the electronics industry", and has now developed into a leading enterprise in China, serving 300,000+ users around the world, covering 166+ countries and regions.

Today we share with you the growth story of Huaqiu Electronics. It's a story about how to turn "doing what's right for the long term" into action. Ten years of persistence, it took thousands of days and nights to complete the transformation from starting from 0 to serving more than 300,000 customers around the world. Among them, there is courage, dream, original intention, and persistence.

"Entrepreneurship is difficult", and only experienced entrepreneurs can truly understand what it means. Huaqiu's story will give more strength and courage to all entrepreneurs who are striving for their dreams - rooting in the industry, empowering the industry, and creating value.

Success can be a small probability event, and the important thing is that we never give up trying. Enjoy



Ten years, thousands of days and nights, Huaqiu has not forgotten his original intention and focused on doing one thing well:

Over the past ten years, Huaqiu has overcome difficulties all the way from PCB manufacturing, to component procurement, PCBA manufacturing, and then to the launch of the first free DFM analysis software in China, just to build a trustworthy one-stop service platform for the electronics industry supply chain ;

Over the past ten years, Huaqiu has continuously improved the level of standardization and intelligent manufacturing, adhered to high quality, and created high-quality boards with high reliability;

In the past ten years, Huaqiu has served more than 300,000 customers around the world, and cooperated with global leading companies such as Huawei, ZTE, Tencent, and Haier;

For the past ten years, Huaqiu has focused on doing this well, and the original intention has remained unchanged, that is - "increasing efficiency and reducing costs for the electronics industry".


Do not forget the original intention

A decade beyond dreams

At the very beginning of the story, in 2003, a young man came out of school and came to Shenzhen, becoming a "deep drifter". He first worked as an engineer in an electronics company. At that time, the many obstacles in the supply chain links such as PCB proofing, component procurement, SMT placement, and PCBA foundry were unavoidable problems for engineers. They were trapped in the price opaque. , The dilemma of information asymmetry, unstable delivery, and unguaranteed quality have greatly affected the daily production work.

Feeling this, the young man set up a website in 2009, aiming to break through the current predicament and provide a platform for engineers to communicate. This website has been recognized by engineers as soon as it was launched. As of 2020, the number of registered users worldwide has exceeded 4.3 million+, and it has established good cooperative relations with more than 100 well-known semiconductor manufacturers at home and abroad. There are a large number of electronic design engineers and upstream and downstream user groups in the supply chain.

This interactive website built for the engineer group is today's electronic enthusiasts;

And the first generation of webmasters in China, Chen Suibai, the webmaster who made the industrial Internet bigger and stronger, is the founder and chairman of Huaqiu today. The success of electronic enthusiasts made Chen Suibai see the energy of the integration of the Internet and traditional manufacturing, and it also made him more determined to "increase efficiency and reduce costs for the electronics industry".

In 2011, a one-stop digital service platform for the electronics industry dedicated to transforming the traditional electronic supply chain service model with "intelligent manufacturing + information technology + Internet technology + industrial big data" - Shenzhen Huaqiu Electronics Co., Ltd. "Shenzhen Huaqiang Jufeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.") was born. Since its establishment ten years ago, Huaqiu has always adhered to the corporate mission of "increasing efficiency and reducing costs for the electronic industry", guided by a clear strategic plan, and continued to make efforts in seeking its own development, assisting industry structure adjustment and transformation and upgrading, and gradually Grow into a new type of Internet manufacturing enterprise with clear goals and increasingly perfect business layout.


While growing steadily, Huaqiu has been highly recognized and strategically invested by many "leading" production and investment institutions such as Joy Capital, Shunwei Capital, Hillhouse Ventures, Tongchuang Weiye, Qifu Capital, China Merchants Bank, and Huaqiang Group. . In 2021, it will be invested in the C+ round of Hillhouse and enter the second period of rapid development.


"Huaqiu is a company with dreams." President Chen insisted. Although in the process of enterprise development and growth, it is not uncommon to forget the original intention of the enterprise, deviate from the enterprise vision, obey the market evolution and follow the trend. But it is worth noting that ten years have passed, and the big waves are washing the sand, and the sinking is gold. Not only has Huaqiu's dream not changed, but his original intention and goals have become more and more determined - to create high-quality boards with high reliability and increase efficiency for the electronics industry cost reduction.


Dive into the exploration

A decade of progress

Since its establishment in 2011, Huaqiu, guided by the blueprint of "one-stop service platform for the electronics industry", has fully opened up the upper, middle and lower reaches of the electronics industry, built a closed-loop ecology of the electronics industry chain, and extensively helped China's electronics industry "increase efficiency and reduce costs" "!

In the past ten years, Huaqiu has also continuously improved its business layout and continuously improved the quality of products and services; this decade, Huaqiu has always walked with the times, always keeping in mind "increasing efficiency and reducing costs for the electronics industry", and creating the most reliable electronic products One-stop service platform for the industry, this is the original intention and goal that can never be forgotten.


The goal is set, and it only takes care of the wind and rain. As more and more like-minded friends join the team, Huaqiu has begun a long journey to explore and change the traditional electronic supply chain service model.


- 2012: PCB platform goes live

- 2014: One-stop electronic components mall officially launched

- 2017: Shenzhen "Shajing Allegro Factory" was completed and put into operation, and the production was expanded by 3 times during the same period

- 2018: Invested 80 million yuan to acquire and build "Jiujiang PCB Industrial Park" covering an area of 205 acres

- 2019: officially renamed "Huaqiu"; SMT base expanded to 10 production lines

- 2020: The self-developed PCB manufacturability analysis software "Huaqiu DFM" was launched; a strategic cooperation was reached with Huawei Hongmeng Hardware Ecosystem 2021: Jiujiang PCB Industrial Park was officially put into operation; the SMT base was expanded to 27, and the SMT plant area was 15,000 ㎡

Ten years of hard work, spring and autumn. Standing on the important development node in 2021, with ingenuity and original intention, Huaqiu will accelerate its entry into the fast lane of development, and rapidly promote the electronic industry to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

"Because this is a meaningful thing," Chen Suibo said.


Standing together

A decade together

As a party member and an entrepreneur who is still on his way to start a business, Chen Suibo has not only kept in mind the mission of "reducing costs and increasing efficiency for the electronics industry" in the past ten years, but also insisted on promoting social and public interests through his own business characteristics. , and down-to-earth practice the responsibility and responsibility of the enterprise.

In the past, in addition to the ten years of high-speed development of Huaqiu, it was also a decade of joint efforts and hand in hand. In 2020, the spring when the epidemic began, Huaqiu received a request from Wuhan Kelvin Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. for help. It turns out that the standard temperature source produced by Wuhan Kelvin is an important part of the infrared human body temperature measurement equipment. Without this product, the infrared human body temperature measurement device will not be able to accurately determine the temperature of the human body. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the production of standard temperature sources is facing many difficulties, especially the lack of supply of the key raw material - PCB, which urgently needs the support of suppliers.

Due to the previous cooperation, Wuhan Kelvin was deeply impressed by the product quality and delivery time of Huaqiu. At a critical juncture, they thought of Hua Qiu. As soon as he received the information for help, Mr. Chen quickly assembled the company's management, indicating that the company would start work ahead of schedule and contribute to the fight against the epidemic. Subsequently, the Jiujiang factory of Huaqiu Circuit quickly organized and arranged to resume production at 8:00 am on January 26, and ensured delivery on January 29. This emergency production resumption coincides with the holiday of factory employees during the Spring Festival. It is indeed facing many difficulties to convene production line employees to start production in the shortest time. However, considering the prevention and control of the epidemic, Huaqiu Circuit's Jiujiang factory made every effort to deploy personnel to ensure smooth start of construction and sufficient production capacity to meet the needs.

Huaqiu Anti-epidemic Assistance


In fact, corporate social responsibility is not only a step up in times of crisis, but also a daily accumulation. For a long time, Huaqiu has actively participated in various disaster relief and funding activities such as donations and material donations, donated teaching equipment to schools in disaster areas, and participated in the "Love and Dreams" student aid activities to contribute to the future and add a ray of light.

For Huaqiu, insisting on doing long-term and correct things is not a slogan, but an action. For the past ten years, we have been producing high-quality boards with high reliability. Adhering to ingenuity, loyalty to the original intention, and quality intentions are our criteria for doing a good job in each board, and it can also be said that Huaqiu people are the criteria for living in the world and giving back to the society.


The next decade

In the next decade, Huaqiu people will continue towards the goal of "increasing efficiency and reducing costs for the electronics industry", accelerating digital layout, continuously improving high-level multi-layer manufacturing capabilities and high-reliability quality standards. In the next decade, we are still on the road !

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